Modest and Minimalist

10 Neutral modest dresses and how to style them – Fall and Winter

Keep reading and you’ll learn how to style and convert your summer dresses into cool and cozy outfits

I personally love to wear dresses, it gives me that feminine style and I would wear them all year long.

First of all, I will start by telling you that you don’t have to store all your summer dresses, you can still use them by adding the right layers.

Amazon has cute and modest dresses and most of them are pretty affordable. Here are some of my favorites:

Now let’s style them:

1. Vest over dress

Outfit 1:

Modest white dress

Outfit 2:

Outfit 3:

Outfit 4:

Adding a cozy sweater vest over your summer dresses, won’t only make you feel warmer, but also chic. Pair your vest with slingback low heels or some comfy loafers and you have your cute and stylish outfit.

2. Add a leather jacket

Outfit 5:

Outfit 6:

Outfit 7:

You can also wear a denim jacket & sneakers if you like it, but I don’t like denim, except for jeans, so it’s up to you.

Depending on how you want to wear your dresses (casual or dressy), you can style them either with some ankle boots or a pair of sneakers.

These are some outfit recommendations, but most of the items can be switched and you can get different styles with the same pieces.

3. Sweater over dress

Outfit 8:

Outfit 9:

4. Trench and maxi dress

5. Blazer and maxi dress

6. Cardigan and maxi dress

7. Long coat and maxi dress

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4 responses to “10 Neutral modest dresses and how to style them – Fall and Winter”

  1. Sel Avatar

    The vest is such a nice thought! I had’t think of it as part of a dress outfit but it totally looks amazing!

    1. Mirela Avatar

      Thank you! I love layering

  2. avenue17 Avatar

    I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are not right. Let’s discuss. Write to me in PM.

    1. Mirela Avatar

      Hi! I would like to know your thoughts about this post and what are the things you don’t agree with. 

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